Thursday, May 7, 2009

On The Inter-Breeding of Shrimp & What Got Pete "Ponytail" Maloney Banned For Life From's Shrimp and Other Invertebrates Forum

And someone asks...
Will Tiger Shrimp and Crystal Shrimp mate?

Yes, they will. If you leave them in a small tank overnight, dim the lights, and sprinkle wild algae in they will definitely breed. I have a few Crystal Tiger Shrimp, and they are just beautiful.
They shimmer like the Crystals but have this amazing almost ultraviolet stripe that the Tigers have. It's a real genetic miracle. Not all shrimp will mate with just any, and the other shrimp in the tank might begin to segregate between the half-bloods.
So it truly comes down to if you're willing to have a segregated aquarium or not.
Installing a coral for the Crystal Tigers to use so they wouldn't occupy either the Tiger coral or the Crystal coral is most certainly a good decision.
In literature I've read that inter-breeding shrimp is a forced venture, much like rape, I understand this may be a moral dilemma, but if you are serious about showing your Shrimp, as I am, and placing them in competitions, as I do, then you should definitely let the Tiger Shrimp rape the Crystal Shrimp, because my Crystal Tigers are as elegant as Grace Kelly.
Any other questions just ask.
I'll upload my pics of these special little guys so you can see for yourself.
Happy Shrimping pal!

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