Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On the Bum Crisis in Beacon, NY as dictated by Anonymously Displaced

In regards to the “Bum Problem” in Beacon and the letters to the editor concerning said matter:

You might say I am a resident of Beacon. Although some decide to throw the flagrant word “bum” around I prefer “residentially displaced.” Understandably, no one wants a vagrant breaking into his or her vehicle or home. This type of behavior is not condoned by most of my residentially displaced “community.” Since the streets and forests here in Beacon, (and the World) are a revolving door of lonely drifters, forgotten fathers and sons, disenchanted daughters, and melancholic mothers, it is hard to pin the blame on just one of us, so it is easy to make it seem like every poor man and woman, aimlessly leaning on the side of the road, is a culprit. Some of us beg, others don’t. Some of us will make eye contact, others refuse. We all have varying levels of pride and humility.
But you people, with your warm homes, your peaceful weekends, and your flat screen TV’s, you are the true cause to our effect. You preach the Green life from your righteous pulpit while you guzzle gas and throw your fast food bags to the side of the road. Just as you complain about the deer you hit with your car that was picking at your garbage on the side of the road, you complain about us. We clean up after you. We truly live the green life and we deserve an apology. Here we are living off the fat of the land and all we get are dirty looks and angry letters asking the mayor to sweep us under the rug of Beacon. Can we not co-exist? Without us how would you know how low you can go? You need us to gauge your success. Of course those who break the law should be handled judiciously. But the rest of us, welcome us into your Churches, your backyards, your storefronts, and your forests. We only want to mourn and rejoice the good and the bad beside you as Humans, not as the grime you see us as.
I’m very proud of my green ways, and how I am giving back to the community. What I take I only give back. I eat a half eaten apple, and then I plant the seeds so by next season I will have a tree, correction… so the community will have a tree. My friends and I are a contribution not a crisis. We are just like you, and in some aspects better. We are the ones who will reverse global warming and save this planet from the unfortunate excess most of you have succumbed to.
Next time you see a residentially displaced person on the street, if they ask for change whether or not you give it to them is a strong moral question. Know this though, they/we are only testing you. All we do is donate that money once you are out of sight. We donate all the change we find to different foundations. Should that not be your obligation as well?
If you want to save the world and ensure your children a safe and opportunistic future change your ways and adopt in your heart a new love for us men and women struggling on the street, suffering for your sins, and cleaning up after you.
Both of our communities have their problems, their people who we would like to ignore, which give everybody else a bad name. So please forgive the few of us that break the law, just as some of you do, and let’s move harmoniously into the future and make this a better world, starting in Beacon, the epicenter of Change.

Anonymously Displaced

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