Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Clifford White and The Editor of The Beacon Free Press Spar

First, yes I know I'm taking this to far. But I've DVR'd everything I want to watch from last night and while I'm waiting for someone to come shoot hoops with this is the best I can do.

Note the dear Cpl. White, as opposed to the Mr. White in his last letter to me...

Dear. Cpl. White,
We still cannot publish your letter. I’ll be specific. We cannot run a letter in which you refer to people by derogatory terms – such as “Bum” – “filthy human,” “Women with the posture of jumbo shrimp,” “Dufus,” “Gutter Huggers” etc. We also cannot run a letter in which you say an art gallery “promotes nothing but sloth and promiscuity.” (unless you also provide proof for making such a statement).

You certainly do have the right to be heard by your peers, however, by law we cannot print material that is libelous and contains defamation of character references – such as the name-calling. We are not rejecting your letter. We’re simply asking you to submit it in a form that does not force our newspaper to violate the law.

My response to you has absolutely nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with the law. I have been working in the newspaper industry for over 35 years. I know the law.

Thank you.
Beacon Free Press, Northern Dutchess News

Says Cpl. White:

I had no idea you and the Beacon Free Press were running such a PC paper. I have to be honest that I'm rather ashamed of the law then, if the law takes from me my right to speak out against people who are doing nothing but using our streets as their front porch.
I respect your 35 years in the industry. Did you ever serve in the military son? For me, this isn't as much name calling as it is journalism. I'm only reacting to the streets that I am scared to walk through as I get up in my years. Since you have been working in the print industry for 35 years, you, much like myself must be a little long in the tooth. Do you not understand the brevity of this issue, and how I feel when my wife goes to the market on Sunday's worried that she may be knocked over by a bum so he can take her money and groceries. I was deeply offended seeing an article by a bum in your paper. Has no one questioned this madman of the streets?
I understand the law. But I also understand that I have a right to say what I feel. How can anyone be charged with libel if these people have no rights themselves? Surely, they are not held in the same regard as us tax paying citizens. So I went through my letter. I replaced the words Bum, filthy human, and other "offensive" remarks with words hopefully you deem fit to run. I added a little to my art gallery feelings, and hopefully you can find it safe enough for your newsroom.
Weeks ago, I saw an article written in your paper, and it was about this very subject. This person was calling what we have in Beacon a Bum crisis, and I could have sworn she used the word bum a few times. Why then am I not allowed? Have you too joined in harmony with these people ever since that one Bum wrote in to the paper?
Are you i cahoots with this man as well? If so, then it is a very sad day in Beacon.
Below is my again, revised, hopefully more PC letter.
I appreciate your reply and respect your stance in the shadow of the thumb of the law.
Unfortunately, you give me no room to be who I am, unadulterated and honest.
I truly hope that this, somewhat revised letter is fine. If not, I'll hack at it some more. But every time I look at this letter I grow angrier and angrier.
Let's open up the free press and have an honest discourse on this most troubling problem.
good day,
Cpl. Clifford White

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me where i might find the first complaint letter from that White person. I had heard about it awhile back but did not get to read it. I am not afraid to post my name, but don.t know what my URL is, Kay
